**Teen Murti** is a heartfelt drama directed by Raja Sen, featuring Paoli Dam, Dipankar Dey, Ranjit Mallick, and Manoj Mitra. The film tells the story of three old retired men, Nabin, Nagen, and Biman, who find solace in each other's company while reflecting on their past and the changes in their lives.
Set in a serene neighborhood, *Teen Murti* revolves around the day-to-day lives of these three friends who, despite their age, share a youthful bond. Each of them grapples with their own challenges—loneliness, estranged relationships, and health issues. The film beautifully captures the essence of friendship, aging, and the inevitable passage of time.
The film's strength lies in its portrayal of the quiet dignity of elderly life, enriched by emotional performances from its lead actors. Paoli Dam plays a pivotal role, adding depth to the storyline as she interacts with the trio, reminding them of the vibrancy of youth and the importance of embracing change.
With Raja Sen's sensitive direction, the movie strikes a balance between humor and introspection, making *Teen Murti* a touching exploration of life’s later stages, where friendship becomes a source of hope and resilience.
The film is filled with poignant moments as the three men confront their regrets and joys, making *Teen Murti* a poignant narrative that resonates with audiences of all ages.